The Power of Healthy Breaks

Never underestimate the power of a well-timed and appropriate break.

One of the greatest scientific discoveries of our lifetimes is the physical and mental health benefits of taking brief breaks throughout the workday. Talking about breaks is sometimes seen as taboo and opens you up to heckling and various forms of the joke: “It’s hard to take a break from doing nothing.” Har har har. But taking a few quality breaks throughout the day can actually improve your productivity and improve your health.

It’s counterintuitive but you should actually put a little bit of work into your breaks. Mindlessly scrolling through social media on a break might be easy, but it isn’t doing anything for you except making you lose respect for friends and family as you read their irrational political ramblings. Not all breaks are created equal. With just a fraction of more effort on your part, you can make breaks your secret weapon for workplace productivity.

There are three types of breaks and which one you use depends on what you need in your day. The three types are CALMING BREAKS, ENERGIZING BREAKS, and RELAXING BREAKS.


This category of activities helps calm the mind for those who feel pressure, overwhelmed, or anxiety at work. It can help you refocus your thoughts through journaling, meditating or other activities. Ideas for calming breaks.


These activities are for those who have repetitive or sedentary work. It can help energize both mind and body to help you refresh through activities that include moving, playing and social connection. Ideas for energizing breaks.


This set of activities is ideal for those whose work includes physical exertion. They help you to relax through stretching, arts or breathing. It helps to prepare you to resume physical activity in a healthy way. Ideas for relaxing breaks.

Now go out there and have some great breaks to go along with your great work.

A big thanks to Kena Mathews for finding these resources and making them available to city employees.Β