Orem City Areas of Focus

The Mayor and Council met last month to discuss what areas they want to focus on as we look to the future. One of the items discussed was their desire to create areas of focus that each department will play a part in accomplishing. The areas of focus that the council had decided on are:

Safe and Livable Neighborhoods

Thriving and Balanced Business Environment

Dependable Infrastructure

Community Focused and Effective Government, and 

Skilled and Talented Workforce

Although additional guidance from the City Council will come shortly, the ball is now in our court! What can you and your workgroup do to move the needle in these areas? We have been tasked with meeting in each of our work areas to discuss which areas of focus we impact and what goals we want to accomplish this year to really move the needle.
The budget process will revolve around these areas of focus. The budget committee will look to fund those projects that will make the greatest impact on the vision that the City Council and your department have in these areas.
We appreciate your work greatly. We recognize that the world is changing quickly and that it requires all of us to be agile & flexible. Orem is better because of the work you do, and together we remain committed to Build a Better Orem!