New Centennial Mural

Next time you’re at the City Center, check out the new mural on the wall facing the Help Center. The Centennial portrait has been enlarged to a magnification of 10 and never-before-seen detail is emerging. Did you know there was a kid going down a slide with scissors? There’s all kinds of crazy stuff you may not have noticed before.

We’ve also added a key to the mural so that you can see who is who and what is what. On the other side of the mural, we’ve got the Orem historical timeline on display. Orem may only officially be 100 years old but our history goes back way farther than that.

Special thanks to Kathi Beckett, Kena Mathews, Justin Skillings, Kristie Snyder, & Jenna Albers for their help in making this display possible.Β