Google Keep Training with Jake

Google Keep is like a modern-day Trapper Keeper.

In the past you used a trapper keeper to stay organized (see commercial below). Now and in the future, the Google Suite has provided Google Keep, and an endless number of opportunities for you to improve your organization and collaboration with other city employees. You are probably already taking advantage of Google Docs, Slides and Sheets. However, one of the most valuable tools you might not know of is Google Keep.
In an article published on, Google Keep gets the following review:
“Simply,ย Google Keepย is a syncing notepad that connects toย Googleย Drive. It also supports photo notes, voice notes, and checklists. … If you’re not using a syncing note-taking app yet, Keepย could be the productivity and organizational tool for you.”
Jake is a Keep-user in both his personal and professional life. Join him for a 30-minute presentation via Zoom + Q&A on the power of Keep.
If you need to call in for audio: ย 888 788 0099 US Toll-free | Meeting ID: 892 2228 3756