Elevate the Offboarding Experience: New Training Materials

We’re excited to be taking steps to improve our offboarding process, especially as it relates to collecting and tracking our assets. As part of our ongoing commitment to provide the best possible support for both departing employees and their teams, we’ve developed new offboarding training materials.

Why the Change?

We understand that saying goodbye can be bittersweet, but it’s our mission to ensure that the offboarding process is as smooth, informative, and positive as possible. Our updated training materials aim to empower both departing employees and those involved in the offboarding process with the tools and resources they need.

What to Expect:

Step-by-Step Video Training: Immerse yourself in our step-by-step video series, providing a visual roadmap with roles and responsibility throughout the offboarding process.

Process Charts: Unveil the timeline of responsibilities for every key player involved. Whether you’re an HR professional, supervisor or a team member bidding farewell, these resources will help you stay organized and informed.

Feedback Survey: Your opinions are vital in shaping the offboarding experience. This survey is your opportunity to express your thoughts, suggestions, and experiences openly.

How to Access:

Accessing the new offboarding training materials is simple! All the training material listed in the previous section you can find in a shared Google Drive folder or in our Orem Wiki.

Your Feedback Matters:

Your experience with the offboarding process is crucial, and we want to hear from you! After using the new materials or participating in the offboarding experience, take a moment to share your thoughts and suggestions. Your feedback will play a key role in refining and enhancing our resources further.

At Orem City, we believe in continuous improvement. Together, we can make the farewell journey a positive and empowering experience for all.

Thank you for your dedication to making the City of Orem a great place to work. Here’s to creating even better offboarding experiences!