Everyone’s a Winner but these 6 are Winning Winners

If you live in this country and work for this organization, you’re already one of the biggest winners on the planet. When you stop to think about it, you’ve already won. You don’t need $50 to a selection of over 220 fine retail establishments to make you feel victorious. You wake up everyday knowing that in the things that really matter, you are already a champion.

With all of that said, the following six people might feel just a tiny bit more like a winner because they will be receiving $50 to a selection of over 220 fine retail establishments.

  1. Cameron Monahan
  2. Jim Orr
  3. Kameron Juarez
  4. Talin Wayland
  5. Steve Norman
  6. Kara Hancock

Just swing by the CM office to claim your prize.

Even though this series of giveaways is over, it won’t be long before we launch another one. Just keep it tuned into Walter and the City Ditty for more chances to win.