Do Things Get Weird Here During the Full Moon?

Throughout human history the full moon has been a source of amazement, mystery, and even fear. Many believe that the full moon affects us in ways we don’t even understand.

City of Orem scientists would like your help in gathering evidence for a theory that is being tested. Are things here at the City of Orem crazier than usual during the week of the full moon?

This is a theory that was first observed in the Orem Justice Court. Things seemed to always get a little weirder than usual over there when the moon was at full strength.

A few questions to ask yourself as you’re in observer mode:

  • Am I getting an abundance of strange phone calls and/or interactions?
  • Do people seem more on edge than usual?
  • Are strange or unexplainable things happening?
  • Are people operating in a “logic vacuum,” where reason and logical thinking have no power?
  • Are your coworkers’ abilities inexplicably diminished or enhanced in unnatural ways?

The next full moon will be the week of Oct. 18th so be on the lookout for strange behavior. Please report your findings to We’ll compile all the findings and release them in time for the Halloween party.