Did the Conversation get Out of Control?

As parents, sometimes we might run into a situation like this. We might start a conversation with our kid that gets out of control. Then, our kid runs to their room and slams the door.
If this happens, first of all, don’t be so hard on yourself. Parents can make mistakes too. No one is perfect.
The conversation might have gone out of control, but something we can still control is what we do after this has happened.
You have to make sure they know that now you want to give them a space where they are safe to talkβ€”a space where we will try to listen to them and understand them.
Watch our youtube video, where Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Tiffanny Statham, shares more with us about how we can help our kids feel safe to talk to us.
Click on our link below.
Thank you to our sponsor, Revere Health, for making this possible.