A Self-Evaluation for Parents of Teens

Most of us, as parents and caring adults, are doing the best gosh darn job we can on any given day.
AND there is always room to check in and see if we could grow.
One area of growth that almost ALL parents can push into is how much they are creating an environment where their teenager feels like they can talk to them.
Use the following questions for a self-evaluation:
πŸ€” If I disagree with my teen, I ask questions and listen carefully to better understand their point of view before addressing my opinion.
πŸ€” My teen often comes to me with controversial topics.
πŸ€” When my teen comes to me, I ask whether they would like help or a listening ear.
πŸ€” I often express appreciation and offer support to my teen.
πŸ€” I admit fault when I make assumptions about my teen.
πŸ€” When my teen complains about my parenting, I ask for help to understand.
πŸ€” I listen as much as, if not more than, I talk.
Get a free workbook on helping your teen feel safe to explore: just one of the many skills EveryDay Strong can help you learn.