Stick it to Brenn Bybee through the Employee Giving Campaign

For every employee who joins the United Way Giving Campaign, Brenn Bybee will up his monthly donation.

From Brenn:Β 
Although I know there’s a wide variety of opinions and feelings about the idea of participating in the Orem Employee Giving Campaign, I want to share why I choose to donate and encourage you to do the same:
  1. LegitimacyΒ – with United Way, Community Health Charities, and Community Shares Utah, we’re working with not-for-profit entities who have been around for a long time, have a long history of working well with the City, and have a really positive reputation generally.
  2. FlexibilityΒ – if anyone wants to get more specific about a particular not-for-profitΒ organization they’d like to donate to, it can still be done through a convenient payroll deduction.Β  It’s super easy to sign up, check it out here:Β
  3. ValueΒ – when donating to United Way of Utah County or one of their programs, 100% of our specific donations go to the benefit of the individual(s) in need.Β  United Way has administrative costs; however, those are paid through a separate endowment fund that other donors have already paid and set up.
  4. RelevancyΒ – these not-for-profit organizations have committed to making sure our donations stay in our community.Β  Moreover, whether working with us on the Day of Caring event or on the Everyday Strong program, they’ve shown they’re already willing to help the City of Orem whether we donate financially or not.Β  I’ve also been impressed with their responsiveness in still providing their services in remote-access ways during the COVID-19 pandemic.
But you should make me put my money where my mouth is.Β  Back by popular demand, for every new employee who signs up to donate to the Employee Giving Campaign this year, I’ll donate an additional $1.01 per paycheck.Β  In other words, we currently have about 61 employees who donate, but for every additional employee who now starts to donate $1.01 per paycheck this year, I’ll also add a $1.01 donation to my payroll deductions…up until we have 101 total employees donating (an additional $40.40 per paycheck on the table).Β  I need to put the 101 total employee limit on this “match” in order to NOT make the same mistake Michael Scott made in this episode of the Office.
Last year I only had 10 employees take me up on this offer, so I hope more do so this year!
Thanks for always being a part of Building a Better Orem!