The I.T. Twelve – A Poetic Tribute

What our I.T. team has done during the pandemic has been nothing short of heroic.

The last 4 months or so have been crazy for all of us as we have had to adjust to working in the times of COVID-19. One of the biggest reasons we’ve been able to successfully make the jump is thanks to our dedicated I.T. staff. They have been putting in long hours and making herculean efforts to help the city pivot and adapt to everything the coronavirus has brought into our work lives. But wait, there’s more! Even with all the COVID stuff, they still have pressed forward with the myriad of other huge projects they are working on such as the G Suite migration, the AMI roll-out, a new 311 software, the Library Hall tech requirements, and so much more.

In ancient times, such heroic and valiant feats would be immortalized in poetry and passed down through the generations. What I.T. has done over the last 4 months is deserving of such a tribute.

The I.T. Twelve

A poetic tribute to the heroic efforts of the Orem I.T. Staff


Half a gig, Half a gig

Half a gig onward

All for the City of Orem

Behold the I.T. Twelve

Forward and progress

Fix all the problems

All for the City of OremΒ 

Call the I.T. Twelve


When a mess has been made

Is I.T. dismayed?

Not even when a server blew

Or a technophobe has blundered

They are there with quick reply

When all we want to do is cry

When our computers and programs die

All for the City of Orem

Honor the I.T. Twelve


Projects to the right of them

Projects to the left of them

Projects in front of them

Always asked to stretch and delve

Peppered with calls, too many to tell

Boldly they respond and well

Into the jaws of requests

Into a techno hell

Honor the I.T. Twelve


Always there in a data scare

Always there when the wifi is bare

Fixing issues here and there

Taking it all on, while

All other employees marvel.

Plunged into issues with both PC and code

Exquisite service is their default mode

Help Desk and Programmers

Always ready when a laptop explodes

Honor the I.T. Twelve


Requests to the right of them

Requests to the left of them

Requests behind them

Projects big and small

Dozens of issues, too many to tell

But never a complaint from I.T. personnel

Our fears they vanquish and dispel

Saving us from Russian hackers

Saving us from a techno hell

Our pride in them beginneth to swellΒ 

Honor the I.T. Twelve


When can their glory fade?

Not while the city remains

All other employees marvel.

Honor the work they do

Honor these ten and two

Noble I.T. Twelve