Employee Town Hall – FAQ

What is the PDQ process?

The PDQ process is the process by which NFP will gain an understanding of the work performed by full time and part time benefitted employees. Employee and manager participation in this process is critical to the success of this project. Employees and Managers will follow these steps to complete the PDQ process:

PRELIMINARY NOTE: Every individual/employee should complete only one Option form (A, B or C) for their own position. This document contains all 3 forms. In addition to completing their own form, reviewers will approve the submissions for all designated employees.

  1. From a City of Orem computer, obtain a copy of your job description by assessing the City’s Intranet.
  2. Determine which of the following statements most accurately describes the job description inrelation to your current job accountabilities:



You believe that your job description is accurate, meaning it reflects at least 80% of the major duties of your position….

Use Option A

You believe that your job description is less than 80% accurate of the major duties of
your position, and wish to make some modifications…

Use Option B

You believe that your job description is significantly differen from the major duties of your position…

Use Option C

3. Designated Managers/Reviewers will review the documents and add their electronic signature to the forms. The Option C form requires reviewers’ input. If a reviewer wishes to add any comments to either Option A or Option B, they should be added to the electronic form.

Questions should be directed to oremcompproject@nfp.com or 1-800-553-3903.

Should the PDQ capture the entire role? If I do more than one job (such as supervise a function and do the day to day tasks being supervised) should the PDQ capture all of that?

If performing the duties of both roles is part of your permanent job, then the PDQ should capture all of those duties. If you are acting in or performing additional duties on a temporary basis, then the PDQ should capture the duties of your assigned job only.

If I am in an acting role or temporary assignment, what should I put on my PDQ?

You should capture the duties of your permanent role in the PDQ process, not the duties of any temporary or interim assignment.

If I am a manager and I have vacant jobs in my division, what about those jobs? PDQ’s will need to be completed for those jobs as well.

Yes, managers will be asked to review the job descriptions for any vacant positions by following the PDQ process.

What if I don’t have or use a City of Orem e-mail? How will I get my PDQ?

You will be asked to complete a similar PDQ process, but in hardcopy format. Your supervisor will receive information for your position and will provide printed copies of your job description and PDQ Option Form. You will follow the instructions as outlined in question 1 above. When completed you will electonically submit the Form to your supervisor.

Will this project affect temporary employees?

No, this project will not include temporary employees. This study includes all full time and some part time City employees.

Is NFP independent of affiliations with the City of Orem and the Council?

Yes, NFP is an independent consulting firm, with no affiliations to any City personnel.

Will other benefits be reviewed as well?

Yes, all benefits, including health care, retirement, disability, life insurance, and paid time off will be reviewed. In addition, other benefits such as education reimbursement etc. will also be considered.

If there are jobs that do not match up with the market, what will the result be?

We understand that not all jobs will easily match to the market, which is why jobs will be matched to the market based on job content level.

Is cost of living being taken into consideration when looking at market rates?

Yes, the cost of living of a location is a component of the labor market rates.

How will hard to fill jobs be addressed?

Jobs are hard to fill for a number of reasons, including the supply of labor, the wages the City is willing to pay, and the design of the job itself. These and other reasons will be studied and addressed in different ways depending on the job.

Will any pay be taken away from employees due to the results of the compensation and benefit survey?

There will be no pay taken away from employees due to the results of the compensation and benefit survey.

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