The Evil Reign of B Shift is Over

B Shift has ruled the employee work calendar with an iron fist for the last 7 long years.

If you notice that the sun is shining a little brighter, the birds are singing a little sweeter, and the air is smelling a little fresher after this weekend, it’s because the evil reign of the B Shift is over.

Due to the curiosities of the Gregorian calendar and the alternating nature of the 9-80 work schedule, B Shift has had all of the best days off, including an unjust majority of 4-day weekends. For seven long years, they have been able to supersize their vacations, maximize their time-off, and enjoy their holidays in a way that many on A Shift can’t even remember.

After this 4th of July weekend, power will shift and those on the “A” schedule will retake their rightful place on the calendar throne, ushering in a glorious seven-year reign.

If you’re on A shift and a B Shifter comes to you wanting to trade, don’t fall for it. It’s nothing more than a desperate power grab to hang on to sweet memories of a by-gone age.